PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | arwrc@united-church.ca
blue stained glass window of a church 650 px high

Financial Support

General Guidelines:
The regional council has funding available to support particular ministry initiatives. Applications are received twice yearly on April 1 and October 1.
Applications are assessed against the criteria outlined for the fund and the way in which the application meets the purpose of the fund.

Who May Apply?
Applications must receive the approval of the governing body of the community of faith within the bounds of Regional Council who will receive and manage the grant.

All grant recipients are required to send a brief written report with financial statement to arwrc@united-church.ca by January 31 of the year following receipt of funding (indicating in subject line the grant which was received).

Fund Details:
Can be found in the Governance Handbook.


Section I: Support from Antler River Watershed Regional Council

Bridge Loan Fund

Terms of Reference

Available Funds
Bridging Loans to a maximum of $30,000. A maximum of 1/3 of the monies in the fund to be granted
in one calendar year.

To offer short term loans to Communities of Faith.

Granting Body and Oversight: ARWRC Executive
The Executive to report annually to the Regional Council on how the funds have supported
communities of faith with bridging loans.

A) Bridge financing loans, to a max of $30,000 at 4% interest to be paid back on a 3-year term starting
6 months after the loan is received by the Community of Faith. Those first 6 months being at 0%
B) There is no penalty if a Community of Faith wishes to pay the loan faster.
C) If a Community of Faith has more than $100,000 in unrestricted reserves, they are ineligible to
apply for this loan.

Applications to be completed by a Community of Faith and submitted to the ARWRC Executive.

Loan Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Executive Minister and Treasurer for payment and tracking.


Apply Now
Candidate Support Fund

Terms of Reference


To provide financial support for candidates.

Available Funds

Interest and principal.

Granting Body and Oversight

Executive Minister and Treasurer.


  1. Available to candidates
  2. from communities of faith in Antler River Watershed Regional Council or serving a community of faith in Antler River Watershed Regional Council;
  3. pursuing theological studies in a recognized United Church of Canada program;
  4. with candidacy status and school enrolment confirmed through the Office of Vocation.
  5. A bursary of $2,000 per calendar year to a maximum of $6,000 in total (a T-4A will be issued for tax purposes).

*A candidate is expected to seek support only from either the regional council out of which they became a candidate or the regional council in which they serve, but not from both.

Candidate Support Fund Application Form

Collaborative Ministry Fund

Terms of Reference

Available Funds
Available funds per year: maximum of $50,000 in total with a maximum of $10,000 per
application/program. When new money comes into the Property Fund the Executive will assess if funds
need to be added to the Collaborative Ministry Fund.

To offer funding for Communities of Faith (CoF) who are working together in collaboration in some

Granting Body and Oversight: ARWRC Executive
The Executive to report annually to the Regional Council on how the funds have supported CoF

To be given to Communities of Faith who are working together collaboratively.
a) There must be a minimum of 2 CoF working together, having both CoF names on the granting
b) The grants are to be used for operations of the collaboration not capital projects.
c) A maximum of $10,000 can be granted per grant application/program each year.
d) CoF may only put in one application per year.
e) Future grants for the same program or CoF are not guaranteed to be at the same level as past

Applications to be completed by the collaborating Communities of Faith and submitted to the ARWRC
Executive. One application per project/program.

Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Executive Minister and Treasurer for payment and tracking.


Apply Now
Engaging Stewardship Fund

Terms of Reference
Available Funds: This is ARW’s share of the remaining balance of funds entrusted to London
Conference for this purpose. The fund will be expended and not replenished.
To promote support of the Mission and Service Fund.
Granting Body and Oversight: Discipleship and Justice Commission
The Discipleship and Justice Commission will report annually to the regional council on how the
funds have promoted Mission and Service.
The Discipleship and Justice Commission will have access to the fund to support events promoting
stewardship and Mission and Service.
The decision to access the fund will be made by the Discipleship and Justice Commission.
Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Treasurer and Executive Minister for payment and tracking.

Institute for Specialized Ministry Fund

Terms of Reference
Available Funds: Maximum of $6,700 to be granted annually, based on 30% of what is currently in fund.
Events/Training for youth ministry leaders.
Granting Body and Oversight: Discipleship and Justice Commission
The Discipleship and Justice Commission will report annually, starting in 2021, to the regional council
on how the funds have supported training for youth leaders and ministers.
Applications will be considered to assist with the sponsorship of events and training provided through
or in partnership with Antler River Watershed regional council for youth leaders and ministers.
Applications will be submitted to the Discipleship and Justice Commission.
Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Treasurer and Executive Minister for payment and tracking.

Investment in Leadership Fund

Terms of Reference
To provide both ministry personnel and lay leaders with financial assistance for learning events.
To share equitably the funding allotted to our Regional Council, grants will be limited to one-third
(1/3) of the associated costs, to a limit of five hundred dollars ($500). There is no longer an
expectation that the Community of Faith and applicant must share the remaining costs equally.
• Applications can only be received by an individual once per calendar year.
• At least half (1/2) of the entire fund is reserved for grants to lay leaders.
Granting Body and Oversight: Executive

Middlesex Resource Centre Fund

Terms of Reference
Available Funds: Maximum of $7,200 to be granted annually”, based on 15% of what is currently in fund.
To support resource centre ministries and camps.
Granting Body and Oversight: Discipleship and Justice Commission
The Discipleship and Justice Commission will report annually to the regional council on how the
funds have supported resource centres and camps.
Applications will be considered for:
1. Resource centre events.
2. The purchase of resources for a specific camp program.
3. Recipients will submit a report and evaluation of the grant receiving project to the Discipleship and Justice Commission within one month of a resource centre event.
Applications will be submitted to the Discipleship and Justice Commission.
Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Treasurer and Executive Minister for payment and tracking.

Ministry with Youth and Young Adults Fund

Terms of Reference
Available Funds: Maximum of $4,500 to be granted annually, based on 15% of what is currently in fund.​
Support for ministry with youth and young adults.
Granting Body and Oversight: Discipleship and Justice Commission
The Discipleship and Justice Commission will report annually to the regional council on how the funds
have supported ministry with youth and young adults.
1. Grants will normally be for one-time grants to a maximum of $5,000.
2. Grants in excess of this amount or for a multi-year project will require the applicant to meet
with the Discipleship and Justice Commission.
3. Recipients will submit a report and evaluation of the grant receiving project to the Discipleship and Justice Commission within one month of the event.
Applications will be submitted to the Discipleship and Justice Commission.
Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Treasurer and Executive Minister for payment and tracking.

Moving Expenses Fund

Terms of Reference

Available Funds
50% of moving costs incurred by a Community of Faith (CoF) entering a new pastoral relationship up to a grant of $10,000. When new money comes into the Property Fund. The Executive will assess if funds need to be added to the Moving Expense Fund.

To help support CoF with moving costs when they would be otherwise prohibitive to entering into a new pastoral relationship.

Granting Body and Oversight: ARWRC Executive
The Executive to report annually to the Regional Council on how the funds have supported CoF entering new pastoral relationships.

A) A grant of 50% of moving expenses up too $10,000 to be granted to Communities of Faith who apply for the fund when they are entering into a new pastoral relationship that requires the ministry personnel to relocate for the new call or appointment.
B) If a Community of Faith has more than $100,000 in unrestricted reserves, they are ineligible to apply for this grant.
C) If the congregation asks the Regional Council to end the pastoral relationship with the ministry personnel within 3 years of receiving the grant, then the grant is to be repaid to the Moving Expenses Fund by the congregation.
D) CoF are only eligible for a Moving Expenses grant once every 3 years.

Applications to be completed by a CoF and submitted to the ARWRC Executive.

Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Executive Minister and Treasurer for payment and tracking.


Apply Now
Networks and Cluster Fund

Terms of Reference


Support for the formation of clusters and networks.

Available Funds 

Maximum of $4,000 to be granted annually, based on 15% of what is currently in fund.

Granting Body and Oversight



  1. assists with events/opportunities for networks or clusters that include communities of faith within Antler River Watershed regional council;

requests must be endorsed by at least two pastoral charges as a sign of partnership

Rural Ministry Leadership Fund

Terms of Reference
Available Funds: Maximum of $1,000 to be granted annually, based on 15% of what is currently in fund.
To support training for rural ministry.
Granting Body and Oversight: Executive
The Executive will report annually to the regional council on how the funds have supported rural
ministry leadership.
1. Licensed Lay Worship Leader (LLWL) training and support and support for rural ministry
2. Up to 30% of the annual grants will be made available for LLWL leadership training.
3. Resource opportunities focused on rural leadership. Evaluation within one month of the
Applications to be submitted to the Executive. The application form will be designed for events to
which communities of faith with a rural postal code can apply.

Vision Fund

Terms of Reference
Available Funds: Funds up to a maximum of $15,000 per calendar year are available to assist in
innovation in multi-partner endeavours.
To support regional council visionary initiatives. This fund enables the regional council to work in
partnership with others in experiments in innovation.
Granting Body and Oversight: Executive
The Executive will report annually to the regional council on how the funds have been used to spark
ministry innovation.
Recipients will submit a report and evaluation of the grant receiving project to the Executive in time
for the next regional council meeting.
Applications will be considered for innovations in which the regional council might be a partner or
Applications will be submitted to the Executive.
Grant Payment
Approval will be forwarded to the Treasurer and Executive Minister for payment and tracking.

Section II:

Windsor-Essex United Church Development Fund

Loans: capital assistance for United Churches in Essex County
Grants: for new, innovative and/or unique projects / ministries within the Windsor-Essex area
Contact: Elaine Mailloux  emailloux578@gmail.com

Hope Council
… more information here

Section III: United Church of Canada Resources

Communities of faith with an annual income of less than $150,000 and unrestricted reserves of no more than $37,500 are eligible for grant programs supporting technology and capital improvements.

Please forward applications to the Congregational Support Commission. Once approved by the Commission, the application will be forwarded to the General Council.

Regional Council Grants (Apply Now)

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