PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | arwrc@united-church.ca
blue stained glass window of a church 650 px high

President’s Easter Letter

April 8, 2020
from the desk of President Joyce Payne . . . . .

The universe has succeeded in pushing us out of our comfort zones. This health pandemic has interrupted our lives in every way possible.

Even though nature is challenging us with this persistent COVID-19 virus, we continue to witness God’s presence in our world through the millions of acts of kindness being offered every hour of every day.

Technology is helping us to be connected, with online worship services, daily messages of hope, and yes, even through our times of sorrow and death.

We miss not being able to gather in our churches, but we remember Jesus, the itinerant, wandering Messiah who connected with folks without being housed in a stationary structure.


We are a resilient body of Christ, in a time where our prayers are, we will learn new things about ourselves – about our capacity for grace, for hope, for change, beyond our walls.

Our friends and colleagues in the United Church of Christ offer these words of encouragement:

“Remember that we are a Christmas people, and that Jesus is Incarnated in every act of love and kindness we extend to one Another.

Remember that we are an Easter people and we know that God Can reach beyond all the barriers the world can create.

Remember that we are a Pentecost people who know that the Holy Spirit can revive us and who will be our strength in times
Of great distress.”

Our young people post colourful rainbows and spring flowers in the windows. On sunny days they are outside decorating sidewalks and driveways with chalk drawings of the sun and hearts and rainbows and flowers – with words like LOVE, and HOPE – etched alongside. Folks are lighting up their windows and outdoor trees with lights to spread the message of solidarity and resolve.

As our country unites to offer new and creative ways and means of being together and supporting one another, so may we as The United Church of Canada come together and rest our faith in the God we worship.

As we travel through this Holy Week, through days of death and rising beyond death, let us remember the words of our Creed:

In Life, in Death, in Life beyond Death,
God is with us.

Blessings to you in this Holy Week,

Joyce Payne,
Antler River Watershed Regional Council

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