PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | arwrc@united-church.ca
blue stained glass window of a church 650 px high

Property Policy

The Regional Council understands itself in partnership with the local congregation and with the wider United Church of Canada in the fulfillment of its responsibilities concerning the real and personal property of congregations. The Regional Council will communicate its policy clearly and be available for consultation and discussion with congregations when they are making decisions in co-operation with the Regional Council.

Major Assets

…that in accordance with Manual Section C.2.6(a)ii, Antler River Watershed Regional Council defines “other major assets” as any item or group of items under consideration in the accrued amount or evaluation of the lower of 50% of net revenue used for assessment purposes for the prior calendar year or $150,000.00 or greater.

Major Renovations

…that in accordance with Manual Section C.2.6(a)ii, Antler River Watershed Regional Council defines “major renovations” as any repair, work, addition, upgrade or capital improvement or like project to the real property of a congregation or pastoral charge estimated or expected to cost the lower of 50% of net revenue used for assessment purposes for the prior calendar year or $150,000.00 or more, with all costs in, including without limitation applicable taxes, design, permits, project management and commissions.

Sale of Real Property

…that in accordance with Manual Section C.2.6(a)I, Antler River Watershed Regional Council will normally request that the net proceeds from the sale of real property be held as a restricted fund with only the interest available without prior regional council approval.


…that in accordance with Manual Section G.1.4.5., Antler River Watershed Regional Council will normally not declare the property of amalgamating congregation’s surplus.


…that in accordance with Manual Section C.2.6(a), Antler River Watershed Regional Council adopts the policy that funds received from the property of a disbanding congregation be disbursed in the following manner:

  • Reimbursement of holding/maintenance/disposal costs
  • Covering unpaid past assessments and current year assessment
  • Repaying any congregational indebtedness
  • 33% for the congregation to direct to United Church of Canada ministries such as neighbouring congregations, United Church outreach ministries, United Church camps, United Church extension councils, The United Church of Canada Foundation or any of the following:
    • 15% designated for Indigenous ministries
    • 12.5% designated for Mission and Service (current year)
    • 12.5% designated for Mission and Service Endowment Fund
    • 2% designated for Archives
    • 25% designated for regional council
      • “A congregation may give an amount equal to the percentage of its previous year’s revenue that was donated to a non-United Church registered charity to that charity.”
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