Antler River Watershed Regional Council Staff
Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa
Executive Minister, Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 2
Cheryl-Ann is often at meetings throughout the three regions. She is responsible for overseeing, supporting and guiding the regions in governance and administration.
Lynne Allin
Congregational Support & Mission for Antler River Watershed and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 3
Lynne comes with a passion for helping congregations identify and celebrate their current ministry, while also discerning where the Spirit is leading them. She offers support and resources for the life and work of communities of faith.
Diane Blanchard
Pastoral Relations for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 4
Diane provides staff support for the work of the Human Resources Commission in the area of pastoral relations, including support for ministers and communities of faith in search, support for Ministry & Personnel committees, support for a new pastoral relationship with the United Fresh Start program, appointment of ministers for short-term needs.
Kathy Douglas
Faith Formation for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 5
Cell: 519-441-0656
Kathy works with children, youth and young adults, supporting them in various programs and faith-forming events. Many youth are nurtured into leadership roles. Kathy also works with camps and United Church Women groups.
Sue Duliban
Executive Assistant for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 1
Sue provides lead administrative support to the Executive Minister and resources the three regional councils.
Pretima Kukadia-Kinting
Administration, Communications, Records for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 6
Pretima prepares and distributes communication material, as well as managing the regional website. She maintains databases and records and resources the Pastoral Relations and Congregational Support positions.
Ruthanna Mack
Administrative Assistant, Mission and Finance for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: (905) 659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 0
Ruthanna runs the office and provides hospitality at events throughout the regions. She is staff resource for Right Relations, Pastoral Support, Faith Formation and Social Justice positions. Ruthanna also handles questions regarding Mission Support grants.
Diane Matheson-Jimenez
Minister, Social Justice for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: * (an asterisk)
An Ontario Certified Teacher, Diane has long been passionate about empowering people of all ages to engage in meaningful justice work. She serves the Mission & Discipleship Commissions, as well as working with and building social justice networks in the regions.
Thérèse Samuel
Minister, Right Relations and Social Justice Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways, Horseshoe Falls
Phone: 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 9
Thérèse shares the Social Justice position with the Minister, Social Justice, serving the Mission and Discipleship Commissions and social justice ministries in the region. She also supports Indigenous and Non-Indigenous churches in the region in the work of building right relations.
Kevin Steeper
Pastoral Support for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 8
Cell: 226-222-0454
The Rev. Kevin Steeper is responsible for fostering and encouraging clergy support networks for the purpose of mutual care and support. Kevin is also available to offer pastoral care to individual clergy and their families in times of crisis.
Tanya Cameron
A member of the General Council Office of Vocation deployed in the region, Tanya consults on candidacy pathways, mandatory trainings and oversight & discipline.
Phone: 1-800-268-3781
Extension: 6101
As a member of the General Council Office of Vocation, deployed in the region,Tanya supports the processes for discernment and training of ministry personnel, their readiness for accreditation, continuing education standards, and oversight and discipline of ministry personnel.
David Jagger
A member of the General Council Philanthropy Unit, deployed in the region, Dave consults with congregations and individuals around all areas of stewardship & generosity.
Phone: 519-570-6892
As a member of the General Council Philanthropy Unit, deployed in the region, Dave consults with congregations and individuals around all areas of Stewardship and generosity including: congregational giving programs, Mission & Service, Planned Legacy Giving, and the United Church Foundation.