President Jane invites you…When?
Friday, October 29 (evening) / Saturday, October 30 (morning and afternoon)
Celebration of Ministry Service
Guest Preacher: Rev. Michael Blair | Saturday, October 30, 2021, 7:00 pm
Please bring your own Communion elements. This service will be live-streamed from Byron United Church in London. It will also be available to use on Sunday morning.
Where? From the comfort of your home via Zoom link
Land Acknowledgements… As with the June meeting, please be prepared to acknowledge the Territory where you are, Treaty number/description, Indigenous authors, musicians, artists or something you’ve learned since last we met.
A Meeting Workbook/Agenda and the Zoom link will be forthcoming.
Meeting highlights include: …listening to Indigenous Voices from Walpole Island and Delaware First Nation, Moraviantown; acknowledging the Fairfield Museum land transfer; in memoriam/community of faith changes; honouring retirees; hearing from our Candidate for Commissioning; covenanting with the LLWLs, hearing about the camps; hearing reports from the three Commissions; UPRC presentation; Hope Council presentation; GC recommended Mission and Vision statement; 2022 Budget, GC 44 proposals, if any; Community building borne out of our time together in June and checking in with how you as a community of faith are doing; worship, theological/equity reflection…. All that and more!!!!
I hope you know that you and your community of faith are important members of the team ministry that I like to call Antler River Watershed Region United Church. It takes all of us to share our gifts to accomplish the mission of the church. Spirit God: be our breath, be our song. (MV 150)
Looking forward to seeing you at the ARWR Fall meeting! In the meantime, Keep Calm and Rock On!
Please RSVP via the registration link below.
In Faith & Hope, |