PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | arwrc@united-church.ca
blue stained glass window of a church 650 px high

jesus who do you say i amYouth Forum at General Council 44 Delegate ApplicationApplication deadline December 15


Are you ready to lead the church into the future?! If so, why not apply to become a General Council 44 Youth Forum Delegate?

And yes, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT is also part of Youth Forum at GC44!

You will be paid for your participation, leadership, and dedication to General Council.General Council is the United Church of Canada’s triennial business meeting where justice issues are discussed, visions are cast, proposals are examined, decisions are made, and inspiring worship and community are offered. The voices of leaders ages 15-19 are needed to speak into this space. If you would like to have an impact on the direction of the church now and into the future, please apply here.

 Youth Intern Application:

This application is for youth ages 15 – 19 to apply to the youth intern position. Each Regional Council will have 5 youth intern positions.

Please see the link to the application below for more information.

 Youth Forum Delegate/Summer Intern

 Please reach out to Kathy Douglas, Minister Faith Formation, if you have any questions.

 Kathy Douglas, Minister, Faith Formation   kdouglas@united-church.ca

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