PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | arwrc@united-church.ca
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Category: Indigenous Justice

Greetings Siblings in Christ, It has come to our attention that across-Canada anti-2S-LGBTQIA+ protest marches are to be held on Friday, September 20, 2024. The organization responsible, Hands Off Our Kids (https://handsoffourkids.ca/) states their mission is to:“safeguard children from gender ideology teachings, sexual indoctrination, exposure to explicit sexual content, ensuring that parental consent remains paramount.” They also aim to “protect our children from thought control and will...

Looking for continuing education that will grow your understanding of ministry from Indigenous perspectives? Join the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre ministry training students in a learning circle. October-21-25-2024-5-day-registration-form-Wisdom-and-Psalms October-28-31-2024-4-day-registration-form-Prophets-and-Prophecy For more information visit:  sandysaulteaux.ca/events. You can also contact your regional council  Minister for Right Relations and Social Justice, Thérèse Samuel...

  We’re trying something new. We’re introducing an Ask An Expert series in partnership with the General Council Office. You ask the questions, and we’ll provide the expertise. Who are the experts? Well, it depends on the topic and staff availability. Maybe you want to know more about the insurance partnership between the GCO and Communities of Faith. Or what you do when the local newspaper calls (or when you want to get a good story out). Or what the new government relations officer does....

Mission Support Grants 2025 The Discipleship and Justice Commission for your region is now welcoming applications for the 2025 Mission Support granting cycle. Application forms can be found under “resources” on your regional council’s website. Please use the 2025 form and include all relevant information, even if it was included in previous applications.   Quick Link here: https://arwrcucc.ca/mission-support-grants/ This year we have also included a checklist to help you ensure that all...

Dear Elders and members of the National Indigenous Council, We are writing to let you know that Remit 1 has passed.  All 16 regional councils, the National Indigenous Council, and 80% of pastoral charges participated in this vote on establishing an autonomous Indigenous organization within the United Church of Canada.  This includes 81% of active Indigenous pastoral charges.  This news will be posted on the United Church and General Council 44 websites and shared on social media this morning....

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